Mathematics & Computational Sciences
• Scientists that really developes science
• Instrumentation
• Biomedical division
Applied mathematics : Geometry : Logic : Multimedia : Electronics : Artificial Intelligence : Algebra : Computer-Aided Design : Graphics : Mensuration : Spreadsheet : Robotics : Word processing : Software engineering : Statistics : Number theory : Mathematical Analysis : Telecommunications : Info Technology : Algorithms : Bioinformatic.

Documentation + Components + Instrumentation = Scientific Research.

Scientists that really developes science

The JOURNALISM section emphasizes the digital engines developed by Familia Toledo, a exclusive platform of computers with graphical operating system that is ready in seconds, and an Internet navigator, that leaves its mark on every server of the world as the herald of the Latin American countries, this platform is supported with multiple programs for different applications, designed with new knowledges generated since 1970, with the No. 12 and No. 13 bulletins be witness of this singular experience.

In the TECHNOLOGY section, know about the competitive advances created without support and without commercial commitments, a system that rivals with the other computers with rigid BIOS, operating systems full of patchs, and slow navigators that disconnects from the telephone line. In every section of this site you will discover a never told history of how we feed the scientific research to restore its central position on our culture.

Section of our library.
Some documentation of Familia Toledo.



Some precision instruments created for our scientific research.
Digital frequencimeter and periodimeter
Digital frequencimeter and periodimeter
Microcontroller programmer and reader.
Microcontroller programmer and reader
CPLD & FPGA programmer
CPLD (Complex Programmable Logic Device) & FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) programmer, with vanguard software Familia Toledo. An instrument made at measure for the development of microprocessors and protected interfaces.
Logic analyzer, third version
Logic analyzer third version with two chips, operates at 100 mhz. with 65,536 samples by each channel, additional expansion up to 2 ghz., automatic detection of trigger, the interface and the graphical programs functions on the G5, G6 y G11 computers.
Tools for ideas and design
With our inversion and the power of man-years of knowledge and creativity, was easy to build efficient tools for developing hardware, firmware and programming, this way was born a new platform with secure software and without vulnerabilities, such as people wants it, in an excellent work where everything changes and evolves, leaving back the obsolete. All of the instruments are original designs of Familia Toledo.

Medical Sciences

ECG (Electrocardiogram)
Our heart generates waves of microelectrical activity, to be able to measure this minimal signal, it is required a filter and a precise and complex amplifier. For your health, we added to the G6 computer a programmable electrocardiographical monitor, with time adjust, cardiotachometer, bradycardia, tachycardia detector... that one day can save your life.
The influenza virus A/H1N1, sizes up at 140 nanometers
The influenza virus A/H1N1: inside it exist 8 segments of ribonucleic acid (RNA), sizes up at 140 nanometers, and five-hundred of them fit in the apex of a pin. The pandemics of this virus arise with an almost generational cadence, the last three happened in the years 1918, 1957 and 1968, Are we ready for the next epidemic?, or we will be on the auto-complacency until the influenza reach us.